Take Hold of Your Weight. Your Wellness. Your Success.

The SHED Slim gives you access to tools that will help you become whatever it is that you are dreaming of. Think about it. What could you achieve if this stumbling block is removed from your life journey?


You can be completely unstoppable.

SHED Slim is designed to be a 30-day detox
that allows your body to

reset and restore from the inside out.


Work at your own pace and follow your instincts along with our guides to meet your goals.

These are science-based techniques that include a solid dose of “woo” to also rewire and recharge your mind and spirit.


This program is intensive on moving away from inflammatory foods, nourishing yourself with nutrient-dense whole foods, balancing blood sugar, and resetting hormones.


This allows your body to restore to its original, healthy self by “shedding” what caused the weight gain in the first place. It’s a great option if you aren’t ready to commit to a full 90 days but still want to be in the game.
Perhaps you don’t have any underlying health issues, so you’re ready to jump into an amazing detox and program to get your body moving in the right direction. Whatever your motivation, The SHED Slim is a perfect fit for nearly every woman.


Immediately upon purchase, you will have access to a team of nutritionists, the program, the SHED Slim community and we will immediately ship your workbook and supplements.

All this for $599

What’s Included in The SHED Slim?

First, know that SHED Slim gives you lifetime access to the program and community. During the program, our team of nutritionists will support you every step of the way. We aren’t going away. We’re all here to remind each other that we are kickass women who can absolutely make this our lifestyle.


This program is for women ready to lose weight and change their relationship with food but not totally ready to dive into the 3-month program. The SHED Slim is an advanced program for nutrition-savvy women who want more than just counting calories and weighing macros. 

The best thing about SHED Slim is you’re
in charge and you take it at your pace.

It has to make sense to you. It cannot be extreme, otherwise, it’s like every other diet you’ve ever done. We’re respectful of you as a busy, successful, intelligent woman, but we’re not going to approach it the way you’ve ever done it before. That ain’t us.
  • A month of medical-grade, science-based detox supplements


  • Weekly live calls with a Nutrition Therapist to address your questions


  • A month of healthy, delicious recipes that will nourish your body and your spirit


  • A month of at-home or on-the-go workouts


  • Our step-by-step program manual


  • Access to a private community of women who are either currently in the program or who have been there, done that, and have the results to show you


  • The option to add functional labs at a discount exclusively for SHED Slimmers.


Enrollment for The SHED Slim is open.
You can take off with the program in the next few minutes and power through, or you can dip your toe in and ease yourself into this fabulous, warm, welcoming spring of health and wellness.

Are you motivated by fabulous before and after photos?
We’ve got ‘em. Check them out.

This can and will be you, which is awesome!

We can’t wait to see your transformation. What’s even better, though,
is that those photos and those results are just the beginning.
We go so much deeper with The SHED Slim. Skinny weight sounds great, but that’s just surface-level. Skinny weight is temporary. Maybe you’ve been there before, and you’re nodding your head in agreement. You know that’s not real health.


We’re not here to make you an Insta-model. We’re not here to be easy on you. We’re here to help you kick your own butt in the best way possible for a lifetime of change. It’s time to put in the work that will have a lasting impact.

You feel like there is no end to this merry-go-round
that you never asked to ride, and
you aren’t alone.

You close your eyes, take a deep breath, and step forward toward your worst enemy. You look down with hope for a change, any change at all (like seriously, .052 percent of a change would be perfect), but you watch the needle bounce forward, farther than it ever has moved before. 


The tears begin to burn behind your eyes, and you trudge to the closet to choose an outfit that makes you feel…less bad. You can’t resist the siren call of stepping on the scale every day, and every day, it makes you feel terrible about yourself. Like the toxic ex who randomly shows up in your DM’s, you really know you shouldn’t respond, and yet…


You find yourself yanking on your clothes all morning. Pull down your shirt. Don’t let your tummy show. Pull up your pants. Smooth out the pleats. Not like that. Ugh. Nothing fits correctly. Ever. 


You sigh as you see other women in tailored suits as they sashay out of the board room with a bounce in their sky-high pumps. What’s their secret, is it good genes or just good jeans? You secretly wish that was you; all the while you’re hiding behind the mask of false confidence. You feel like a fraud because you are doing a great job with your business. And your family. But this weight just won’t leave you. 
And you’ve tried it all.
⇨ The diets.
⇨ The pills.
⇨ The workout programs.
⇨ Fasting.

It might work for a little while, but then you’re over it, and the weight comes back. Worse yet, this mental narrative has been nagging at you longer than the actual weight (like when you actually weighed your goal weight and still felt like it wasn’t good enough).


That woman looking like she has it all together on the ‘gram? Yeah, she’s also thinking: something must be wrong with her, she must be doing something wrong, she can’t stay on track, there must be something wrong with her body, and she has no willpower or grit to sustain what she’s been taught. She wonders: am I going to follow through? I’m willing to spend the money, but other things have never worked.


There is something you have not tried, though, and that’s our data-proven, spirit and mind-feeding detox program, The SHED Slim. We have a trimmed-down version of our premier SHED program that is full of tried and true tools that will result in the change you were looking for and needing.

Smart women & men achieve health and wellness, smartly.

Guilt. We all experience it.

You’re probably feeling it creep up right now as you’re reading this. When we are working, we feel guilty that we should be with our family. When we are with our family, we feel guilty about the work opportunities we are missing. When we finally, finally make it to the gym, we feel guilty for missing the precious time we have with our family. It’s a never-ending cycle. 

You are worth this, though!

The guilt-free time and effort you put into The SHED Slim will be absolutely life-changing, and not only for you but also for your children. Kids model what they see at home, and you are likely influenced by what you saw your mom or dad do, especially concerning their weight. And their mother and father before them.


Yes, if your mom or dad picked at themselves and their appearance constantly, you are, no doubt, prone to do the same. But we don’t want that for our kids, and The SHED Slim will help break that generational thought process. We want them to be healthy and happy in their own bodies and not be jumping on the weight-worry train. Know better, do better. For you but especially for them. 
woman holding child
The work is difficult. Focusing on your health can be really annoying. We get it. There are too many dissenting voices out there, promising the impossible. We also know that real change takes real investment. Time, money, energy, and heart.


We’ve outlined it all for you and have spent the last 13 years developing what works. And it really does work. Fast fixes are not where it’s at; you already know that. You’re used to grinding it out to meet your goals in other areas of your life. You can absolutely do the same with this, and we’re here to push you.


Mastering your health is a different monster, but we’ve got you. Now it’s time to genuinely commit to yourself.


This is a new-to-you program, and the result will be a new you.

“What if I want more?”


Great question! There are so many options to refine your health!
You can continue your success with phases two and three of the SHED Slim,
complete lab testing, work with a Nutrition Therapist one-on-one,
or join us in The SHED 90-day program.

“I have been working with Rachel for about a year and a half. In that time I’ve learned so much about how to take care of myself, not just with food but also mentally and physically. Rachel will coach and dig (in a good way) to find out what you need and do everything she can to get you there. The relationships you form help create an entire support team. I’m so grateful I found Rachel and her team. It’s not easy to change years or even a lifetime’s worth of thinking and habits, but Rachel can help get you to where you want and deserve to be.” ~ Rachael T
“I found Rachel and Whole Woman Health + SHED at a hard time in my life. I had just gained a bunch of weight from inactivity and depression during COVID and was recently diagnosed with a chronic illness. When everything felt out of control, this program and Rachel helped me gain back control and empowered me to take my health and happiness into my own hands. Thank you Rachel and team!” ~ Shelby K.
“This program was amazing! I thought the supplements were great support. The amount of support was exactly what I needed and there was a great amount of content to help with meal ideas. Rachel made me feel motivated and always had great supportive advice during the challenging moments. Thank you Rachel for everything you know, willing to share, and positive energy!”~ Marlyn W.

Questions and Answers:

Will I lose weight?
Results vary with each participant and most people lose an average of 10 pounds or a total of 10″ off their body frame. In some cases people’s weight remains the same, but their energy is through the roof, they feel healthier, sleep better, are happier and feel less “puffy”.
Can I do the SHED Slim if I'm a type 2 diabetic?
Yes! The SHED is an excellent way to manage blood sugars, learn new eating habits, clean up your diet and potentially lower your A1C
Can I do the SHED Slim if I'm pregnant or nursing?
No, unfortunately not. However, we would love to support you after!
Can I do the SHED Slim if I'm on prescription medications
Yes/And- Per the manufacturer of the supplements, it is safe to SHED Slim while on prescription medications OTHER THAN BLOOD THINNERS*
* If you are concerned, I always recommend consulting with your doctor.
What do we do during the SHED Slim?
This is a big question. We do SO MUCH. It’s life-changing. See above for the specific details and schedule a complimentary conversation with me to discuss the fine details.
I've been diagnosed with a chronic disease can I do the SHED Slim?
Maybe. In this case I would encourage you to send me an email with the diagnosis and we can have a conversation to discuss if the program is right for you. When in doubt, please consult with your doctor.
Do we eat food?
This is a resounding YES! I will never, ever advocate starvation or severe restriction. We eat lots of nutrient-dense, whole foods during the SHED most SHEDDERs say they eat more food than they typically do and still lose weight.
Will you tell me what to eat?
Yes, and I will also encourage you to be creative in the kitchen. I provide you with a 30-day+ menu (Vegetarian menu available) That follows the outline of each week during the SHED Slim. You will have breakfast, lunch, dinner and snack ideas to carry you throughout the program. I will give you a lot of amazing recipes, so make sure you try them out. Oh and I know how busy you are so I try to keep them simple and quick.
Will I need to be near a bathroom all the time?
I promise you, you won’t. This SHED Slim is a gentle cleanse that allows the body time to shift over a time period no blow-outs here!
Does the SHED Slim work?
Yes. How it works is different for everyone and dependent on individual goals. Some use it for weight loss, others metabolic syndrome, many to identify food allergies/sensitivities sensitivities and almost everyone to feel better overall.
Is the SHED Slim vegan?
The supplements are 100% vegan, gluten-free and dairy-free. Regarding the menu, we have one for carnivores and 1 for vegetarians. If you need a modification for vegan, I encourage you to post in the global community for tips and suggestions.
Can I do the SHED Slim if I don't live in Denver?
100%. As long as you live in the continental US, you are welcome to do the SHED Slim.

I’m ready!

Click the button below to register for the SHED Slim.