Our Brains LOVE To Negotiate!

Our Brains LOVE To Negotiate! The human body is tricky. But not as tricky as the human brain! Our brains are crazy smart. And manipulative. And wise. And total a**holes. And brilliant, compassionate, feeble, fair-weathered….you name it, our brain is it. This is what makes getting healthy a challenge! I’m honest with our clients about…

A Note From Coach Havilande

If your practitioner tells you weight loss is solely about “calories in versus calories out”, RUN don’t walk and find another practitioner. Calories in versus calories out is an outdated perspective on weight loss. Weight loss has so many variables and factors. And let’s take the narrative of “it’s my age” that’s making it harder…

Everyday Toxins

It can be overwhelming trying to navigate health in our world. Especially when it comes to toxins in our face and body products. If you’ve found yourself exposed to many of these common toxins, it may be a good idea to do a metabolic cleanse. We can help guide you through our 10 or 28-day…

Chemicals in Cosmetics

Your skin is your largest organ of your body and absorbs everything it comes in contact with. I read a statistic a year or so ago stating that on average, a woman is exposed to over 40 different chemicals from products by the time she walks out the door in the morning. I’m all for…