Announcing our new space!!

Friends- A heartfelt thank you for your patience while we renovated the office this past month. It has been exciting, anxiety provoking, energy & time consuming, and one hundred percent worth it. I can’t tell you how much it means to me to have your support and referrals. Because of this, we continue to grow…


November Ski Conditioning Class

Opening day is just around the corner, which means you’re running out of time to get in shape! Maybe it’s time to take our ski conditioning class!? Our classes are designed to increase strength, power, endurance and flexibility. We focus on functional movements, body weight exercises and a solid core using TRX, weights, Bosu Ball…


“Healthify” the Holidays

We invite you to join us for a unique experience in creating healthy, nutritious holiday meals. Our afternoon will include a short farm tour, information on sustainable agriculture, cooking demo and lecture on nutrition and healthy living presented by: Rachel Gerlach Rachel is a nutrition therapist, health & wellness coach and fitness specialist who helps…


Creating Mindfulness

If you would have asked me 5 years ago what mindfulness is and if I practice it, I would have given you a blank stare, followed by a moment of panic that I was somehow ignorant for not knowing. Being mindful, aware and in-tune with myself was something that just did not exist in me.…


Live life to the fullest!

My last blog was a little more introspective, deep and really tapped into the emotional piece of our overall health and well-being. I guess I was writing Surviving Struggle as much for me as I was for you. My step-sister, Cara, has been fighting a rare type of cancer for the better part of a…


Surviving Struggle

This past month I’ve worked with a lot of clients in struggle. We’re talking major life decisions that impact all facets of their lives. As a coach, we are taught to be objective and empathetic but not “in the fight with you”. Maybe this is a skill that comes with time, but I’ve clearly not…


Everyday Toxins

It can be overwhelming trying to navigate health in our world. Especially when it comes to toxins in our face and body products. If you’ve found yourself exposed to many of these common toxins, it may be a good idea to do a metabolic cleanse. We can help guide you through our 10 or 28-day…
