What exactly is a Health Coach?

As a Functional Nutritionist, I find it easy to explain what I do and have people understand it. Add Health Coaching to the credentials and usually I get asked, “what’s a Health Coach”. I found this article to be a good description of the role of a Health Coach. I love that I can add…


The Dirty Dozen

Here it is, the latest report on the “Dirty Dozen”. http://www.takepart.com/article/2016/04/12/most-contaminated-fruits-and-veggies/ If you can, I encourage you to buy organic as much as possible. I fully understand how organic living can be expensive. Make the best choices you can and a great way to reduce cost is to join a CSA or shop the farmers…


Chemicals in Cosmetics

Your skin is your largest organ of your body and absorbs everything it comes in contact with. I read a statistic a year or so ago stating that on average, a woman is exposed to over 40 different chemicals from products by the time she walks out the door in the morning. I’m all for…
